Active and healthy ageing as an asset


Realising active and healthy ageing as an asset for the EU was at the heart of the whole project and this research field drew on the findings of all other research fields.

It was designed to:

  • Deliver beyond the state-of-the-art syntheses and new paradigms promised by the project.

  • Deliver the new paradigms of ageing required to make longevity an asset for social and economic development.

  • Produce scenarios of active ageing which indicate the combination of macro, meso and micro actions necessary to optimise healthy life expectancy.

  • Ensure close engagement with diverse stakeholders to gain insights and disseminate information about future, socially innovative strategies.

This research field facilitated the synthesis of MOPACT’S research into active ageing scenarios, which will enable policy makers to both measure active ageing and to create a gap index to identify what further strategic actions are required.

A further activity included a global survey of existing initiatives and social innovations designed to promote active ageing. Finally a continual process of engagement with stakeholders took place throughout the project to ensure the success of the strategy of active and healthy ageing.

The first findings from this research field are now available. One of these outputs – the Social Innovations Database – can be accessed directly.