University of Technology Braunschweig
The University of Technology Braunschweig, founded in 1745, consists of 6 faculties with 120 scientific institutes. Now the university hosts around 15,500 students and scientists come from around the world to conduct their reasearch here.
The research group for gerontopsychology was founded in 2005 and sits within the institute of psychology. The aim of the research group is to make basic and applied research in health, technology and mobility in old age. The team consists of one professor’s chair, a 50% place for a psychological-technical assistant and three 50% places for scientific employees.
Current research projects are:
Compensation of age related loss of functions by the help of technological systems.
Assistant tools for a longer use of the automobile of 70 years and older driver.
Comparison of driving abilities of 70 years and older with 18 – 25 years old persons.
Depression and suicide in old age.
Demographic change in companies and development of age friendly working places.
The team work closely with the Institute for health informatics of University of Technology.
Braunschweig/Hannover and the department of Gerontology of Akdeniz University Antalya, Turkey.
Key personnel involved in the project
Professor Dr Jürgen Howe Representative to MOPACT
Manuela Nitsch Research fellow
Oliver Lambacher Research fellow
Main tasks attributed to them in the project
Innovation Prospects Report – the report identifies current trends in ICT, housing and mobility in Europe.
Research protocol – the protocol defines the methods used in this task.
Case Study Hand-out – the hand-outs will give statements which will be given to the experts for discussion.
Trend reports and Policy and Business recommendations – the trend reports will give recommendations on improving the transfer process from social sciences to industrial and political stakeholders.
Short profile of all personnel and previous relevant experience
Professor Dr Jürgen Howe
Professor of psychology at the TU-Braunschweig
Honorary professor at the Akdeniz University in Antalya, Turkey
Head of research group for gerontopsychology
Manuela Nitsch
Bachelor in psychology
Research assistant at the institute of Gerontopsychology of the TU-Braunschweig
Project assistant “Safe and mobile by assistance systems”
Oliver Lambacher
Bachelor in psychology
Research assistant at the institute of Gerontopsychology of the TU-Braunschweig
Project assistant “Safe and mobile by assistance systems”